Friday, September 21, 2012

3. Fear is..

1. ride in a hot air balloon.
2. swim with sharks without a cage.
3. get a tattoo.
4. eat a ghost pepper.
5. shave all of my hair off.
6. donate all of my money.
7. run through a china store and break everything in sight.
8. splatter paint a grand piano.
9. punch certain people in the face.

What would the world be like if no one was afraid of anything?
There would sure be a lot more power hungry people and war, as well as more courageous and happy people. 

Above was a short list of things I would definitely do if I weren't so scared.  Granted, some of them would be completely impolite and would involve having the immaturity of a junior high boy, but they still involve courage and bravery.

It's weird to think that the small amount of things that we're afraid of determines so much of our lives. 

For example, I'm absolutely terrified of moths.  I can't help it, but whenever I see one I either scream and run away very fast or am completely scared to the point of not being able to move and I just panic.  You'd think a simple fear wouldn't effect me all that much. But sadly, that thought would be very wrong.  It prevents me from camping, taking walks at night, or even being outside in the evening with bright lights in the vicinity.

Fears are one of those things where they shouldn't have been invented. 


  1. "Its weird to think that the small amount of things that we're afraid of determines so much of our lives."
    Love this!!! consider it stolen!

  2. "Involve having the maturity of a junior high boy, but they still invlove courage and bravery"
